南拳基本步型 – Basic Stances in Nanquan

南拳基本步型 NánQuán JīBěn BùXíng 1- 马步 Mǎ bù – Horse(riding) Stance 两腿平行开立,两脚间距离三个脚掌的长度,然后下蹲,脚尖平行向前,勿外撇。 The two legs are opened in parallel, the distance between the two feet is the length of the three soles of the foot, and then can squat down, the toes are parallel forward, and is not allowed to let the feet going to an outwards…

步法 Bù fǎ – Wushu Basic Stances (2)

6- 仆步   (Pū Bù): Flat Stance or Crouch Stance 右腿屈膝全蹲,大腿和小腿靠紧,臀部接近右小腿,全脚着地,脚尖和膝稍外展; 左腿挺直平伸,脚尖内扣,全脚着地,成左仆步。 右腿平伸的则成右仆步。 The right leg is completely fold and on the same line with the right shoulder, the thighs and calves are close, the buttocks are close to the right calf, both feet are on the ground, toes and knees “look” outward; The left leg…

步法 Bù fǎ – Wushu Basic Stances (1)

步法是实战中腿法的基本功,包含了马步、弓步、虚步、仆步、拳击步等。步法不仅能在实战中成为格斗姿势,让你的攻防更加快速,而且还能锻炼你的腿部力量。 The Wushu Basic Stances are the basic skills of the legs method in a real combat, including horse stance, bow stance, empty stance, drop stance, boxing stance, etc. The Wushu Basic Stances are not only usefull fighting postures during a real combat, let you offense and defense faster, but are also a good exercise for your leg strength.  …

抱拳 BàoQuán – 冲拳 ChōngQuán – 推掌 TuīZhǎng – 甩勾 ShuǎiGōu

练习抱拳 How to training Bào Quán (Hold fist) 两拳收于腰间,拳眼向外。 The two fists are closed to the waist and the fists-eyes are outward.   练习冲拳 How to training(fist punching) 抱拳后直接将拳从腰肩向前猛力冲出,高于肩平,臂要伸直。 After holding the fist, directly punch the fist forward from the waist, the height is shoulders one, the arm should be straight     练习推掌 How to training Tuī…

拳 Quán – 掌 Zhǎng – 勾 Gōu

拳 Quán – Fist 四指并拢卷握,拇指紧扣食指和中指的第二指节。 The four fingers are close together, and the thumb is fastened to the second knuckle of the index finger and to the middle finger.   掌 Zhǎng – Palm  四指并拢伸直向后伸张,拇指第一指节弯屈扣虎口处 Four fingers close together and stretch straight back with the first knuckle of the thumb bended.   勾 Gōu – Hook 五指尖撮拢,屈腕…